Thursday 1 March 2007

A new fragance at Paragon: Blue Voltage !!!

Sure !! You have seen her !!. She's the new Perfume !!!. She is fast, silent and beauty !!! She'll electrify you !!!.
Blue Voltage take the top of the X-Babes list !!! She fight against crime at Faultline and her stratagem is cool !!! Voltage can infiltrate the worst villains nest and they can sense nothing !!!. She's a hunter that can fried you in a moment with her 10000 volts dischages !!!.
And you can't notice her !!!.
Well I want congratulate my girl !! . She gives me a reason to go on X-Babes' bussines. I expect she's enjoing X-Babes' experience.
Blue Voltage has decided to cormercializate a new fragance .... her Perfume. I smeel it !!! It's cool !!! I want all girls prove it !!! X-Babes' power it's inside and you can feel it !!!.
A lot of Kisses :

Wednesday 28 February 2007

Un nuevo aroma para las X-Babes

Disfrutaremos de nuevos complementos para todas las chicas!!! ¿Para cuándo Reina de la Noche?

Ha llegado el momento de dar un nuevo aroma a nuestro, ya de por si, perfumado grupo.
Despues de una semana de dura lucha, nuestra nueva chica, la guapisima Blue Voltage ha conseguido que el nombre de nuestro grupo se escuche ( y se huela ) en todo Paragon.
Si chicas, Blue Voltage, colaborara ahora estrechamente con Angel Zara y conmigo en la cupula directiva de este cada vez mas grande Super Grupo. Ha sido nombrada Perfume por su gran aportacion y por su inmensa simpatia.
Se rumorea que como Angel Zara, que ya tiene en la calle su propia linea de ropa, toda chulisima, os lo puedo asegurar. Nuestra Voltage comercializara en breve su fragancia, fabricada con aromas frutales y tratada con una nueva ingenieria electrica.
Estoy ansiosa por adquirir todos estos productos o que alguno de mis chicos me los regalen.

Tambien debo de informaros del ascenso a Chocolate de otras chica. Reina de la Noche y Dressy Bessy tienen ya sus condecoraciones y bien orgullosas que las lucen en sus pechos. Pero de momento no parecen estar interesadas en el mundo empresarial del glamour.

Seguiremos informando, guapas :

Besos. Mefit.

How cool is our blog !!!

Mefit doing her things. How cute !!!

Incredible! When I began to fight the crime in this X-citing city never thought that i would have a Blog! Is not incredible everything what we have made together ?.
Is memorable !!! While I write these words I'm drinking champan and caviar, donation of a strong and handsome boy..... is Turkish, a friend. Hihihihihi.... ...
Well .... you can use this blog for whatever you want, my small hearts. It is good mass media and union for all the girls.
I want to transmite my thanks to my dear Dressy Bessy, she designed the blog !!! Isn't cool ? Send to me all your commentaries and suggestions.... we will better make it with your support.
Be good and don't forget you are a X-Babe !!! And that is much to say !!!
A lot of kisses: